MOROCCO 2020 – We have a lot of faith in life. While traveling it is amazing how easy we connect with the flow of life. It feels like we have so much good luck. If we wish for something it comes to us, this gives us a lot of confidence. Last week I did not feel so great in my pregnancy and a few days later I met a very kind midwife from England who helped me so much with her patience, love, tips, information and massage, I am very grateful to her.
Five and four years ago we also traveled Morocco in our camper and met a very nice Moroccan family and English woman who live in a very little desert town. This place (Dar Sidi Bounou) feels like home. This year we stayed with them a few weeks and Moos became great friends with the two daughters of the family (3 and 5 years old). Again this was one of our favorite places in Morocco.
Also we had visits from our family. Borris came with his girlfriend Joy in their car all the way to the south. And Kasper’s mother Marjon was brave enough to come stay with us two weeks and slept
every night in a little tent next to the car.
We are happy to be back in Spain but missing Morocco already. 🙂