Most easy and delicious veggie cookie/pancake in the world! I love when it’s as simple as throwing all the ingredients in a bowl and just mix it. This recipe is a wonderful example of simplicity. Mix everything together with a spoon and you’re ready to bake. Heat up some oil. Then put a full spoon of your lentil mix in the pan, as much as your pan will take (4 or 5 pieces). Turn them after a while, and you’re done. For veggie burgers, just make them a little bit bigger.

Ingredients (for this recipe, but also must-haves for your mobile kitchen):
1 can lentils (± 300 gram)
1 chopped onion
50-60 gram of flour (its like 3 or 4 giant spoons)
2 eggs
Salt, pepper
Extra: everything you like, cumin, curry, garlic, ginger, some green veggies, etc. I really recommend them all!

Delicious easy meal with some rice and tomato or cucumber salad 🙂

So what do we eat on the road? This is a food blog for people who live on wheels and/or with a tiny kitchen, most of the time dependent on long shelf life products or just a few fresh products. It needs to be easy but tasteful!